Bayernhafen GmbH & Co. KG, 93055 Regensburg
Bayernhafen GmbH & Co. KG, 93055 Regensburg
January / February 2021
1,200 m³ wet sludge & approx. 500 tonnes for recycling according to DepVo
Desludging with suction dredger
Dewatering with MUD dewatering unit
Return of the filtrate water to the watercourse
‘The pilot test for desludging the harbour turning basin at BayernHafen Aschaffenburg using a suction boat and sludge dewatering system worked really well despite the adverse weather conditions. Amodes has laid a great foundation for a successful collaboration with us as a customer through innovation, coupled with expertise and open communication. We are delighted to have found an alternative to classic harbour dredging with
to traditional harbour dredging and will be happy to make use of their services again if required.’Anja Bokeloh, Head of Technology and Operations
Our contact partners will be happy to assist you.
Keld Svendsen
Tel. +49 69 94 33 05 266
Jonas Fink
Mobil +49 1609 0315552